Covid-19 Working Safely
Each Employee is to adhere to the Government Guidelines, whilst completing tasks
Ensure there is an adequate supply of protective gloves, hand sanitiser and hand washing facilities, for each member of the team. Masks to be worn, at all times, during working activities
Travel in separate vans at all times
Maintain the 2 metres distance whilst walking and working.
Cover mouth and nose, with sleeve or tissue, when coughing and sneezing. Discard tissue.
Do not smoke, drink, or eat together at break times.
Observe individual site guidelines
Collect all waste, and disposable PPE, into a sealed waste bag, and dispose of in line with Company instructions.
Should you develop symptoms associated with Covid -19- Coronavirus. Please inform your line manager before self isolating for the advised length of time. Your Line Manager will make all interested parties aware.
One way system around the warehouse with separate entrances for admin, and one for the workers. The floor is marked with waiting areas allowing pedestrian traffic to flow whilst observing the 2m distancing. The admin entrance to reception is locked at all times. There is a vison doorbell to alert the presence of visitors. Visitors are requested to check their temperature, use the hand sanitiser, on entering the building.
Workers enter vis the warehouse, sanitise at the entrance before proceeding into the building.
All building touch points, i.e. switches, handles, locks, and surfaces are disinfected at regular intervals during the working day.
Each member of staff is provided with a pack containing gloves, face shield, masks and hand sanitiser. All have completed a tool box talk, outlining their responsibilities.
Vehicle use is restricted to one person per vehicle with the staff travelling in separate vans at all times.
Breaks, smoking and eating are taken individually and not in a group.
Cornforth Industrial Services have taken delivery of a number of self contained welfare cabins that can be transported to sites. Thus eliminating the need to use/share client facilities.
Staff members who are experiencing COVID 19 symptoms are requested to self isolate immediately, and arrange to take a COVID test as soon as possible.
Caroline Kelly
Managing Director